United States Experiencing Increase in Cougar Populations

All across the United States, wildlife groups are reporting a growing increase in native cougar populations. Declining for almost a century, the North American cougar, also known as the mountain lion, panther or puma, is making a substantial comeback. In some cases, this return is affecting areas readily inhabited by humans. According to the “Journal…

Study: How Homicide Rates Are Affected by Gun Bans

As mass shootings take precedence on the news, more people seem to be calling for gun control. Is this perhaps a shocking liberal journalism tactic that creates the illusion that society will be safer without guns? Let’s analyze the facts. Many studies and conclusive research indicates that in areas where guns have been banned, homicide…

Switzerland’s Gun Culture

The U.S. seems to forever be the subject of gun-related controversy. Whether it’s the second shooting at Ft. Hood or the tragedy surrounding Newtown, Connecticut, Americans are generally pro- or anti-gun rights. Switzerland is a neutral country, not bearing arms or taking part in battle since 1847. However, Swiss citizens are adamant about their rights…

Does Teaching Children to use Guns Prevent Accidents?

Hotly contested, pro-gun and anti-gun advocates disagree about how to raise children with guns. Pro-gun advocates promote training children at a young age, ensuring that children are comfortable handling guns. They believe this leads to safer gun handling practices, helping avoid accidental discharges. Believing that diminished curiosity helps to decrease shooting accidents, as well as…

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