VoIP: Poised to Change the Business Industry

There once was a business world ruled only by landline telephone services. However, with the advent of modern technology, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) offers a popular alternative to the conglomerate landline giant. No longer are businesses restricted to desks with corded phones, but can now roam freely amidst Smartphones, tablets and the mighty Internet….

Why VoIP Makes Sense

A multi-million dollar market, offering Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services to small and medium-sized businesses has never been more lucrative for both parties. First and foremost, this type of voice technology helps save companies between 40- to 90-percent off their current traditional telephone bills. Why has VoIP seen a sudden upsurge in users in…

What Does VoIP Mean for Businesses?

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) utilizes the same communications channels that the Internet uses to transport data traffic; only in VoIP’s case it carries voice traffic over the Internet. What is VoIP? Business VoIP uses the Internet Protocol (IP) for communications. Traditionally, the IP is a protocol that sorts information. For example, email would never…

Top 10 Reasons to Switch to VoIP

Jive’s business VoIP services offer a wide array of reasons why today’s companies should consider switching to VoIP for business. How does a company’s management team know if they are ready to jump ship on traditional telephone services and board the VoIP technology vessel? Below are 10 questions businesses should ask before making this cost-saving…

What Companies Want: The Benefits of Switching to VoIP

In today’s downturned economy, more businesses are switching to VoIP phone systems. Why this increased demand? InformationWeek Research conducted a study on 280 companies and the top reasons for switching to VoIP business services include: Reducing telecommunication costs; Merging data and voice networks; Having a one-stop communication platform in place that can be utilized in…

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