Facebook Plays Vital Role in the Rescue of Abducted Baby

Trois-Rivieres, Quebec.  Hooray for Facebook and social media! A mere three hours after a newborn baby was snatched from the hospital, the police located and arrested the suspected kidnapper thanks to a Facebook post and the alert eyes of one of its users. The Abduction and Search Shortly before 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 26,…

Caterpillar’s Jenga Game Garners Over 1.5 Million Views

In a social media coup, Caterpillar deftly played the most massive Jenga game ever. The video featured Caterpillar equipment delicately pulling out 27 humongous wooden beams weighing 600-pounds, showing just how precise these machines are. A few days after it was released, the video went viral with some 1.1 million YouTube views (and counting), according…

Today’s Businesses Embrace Social Media

Modern-day businesses are embracing the growing trend of social media marketing. Some of the most successful, revenue-generating companies are embracing this online marketing asset. 93% of companies use social media for business-related purposes. 70% of company brands have a significant presence on Google+, which is continually increasing. 70% of businesses report that using Facebook has…

Social Media Encourages Purchases

Social Media has revolutionized the business world. Starting out as a medium where people could share their lives’ stories, update photos and stay in touch despite geographic locations, this advanced resource has evolved into a necessary advertising medium for businesses of all sizes. In fact, nearly 40-percent of all social media users shared or added…

Social Media Marketing Stats

Marketing is a data-driven business, meaning that it’s vital for companies to keep up with their competitors. Statistics show that up to 93-percent of companies use social media for business marketing. Contrary to popular belief, people of all ages are on social media. The fastest growing social media segment is adults between the ages of…

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