What is Holistic Healing?

Holistic healing is essentially how one approaches life. Rather than focusing on specific parts of the body and on illness, this ancient practice analyzes the whole person, including how he/she intermingles with his/her environment. Holistic health believes that to achieve maximum well being within the body, every aspect must be functioning at full speed. Holistic…

The Benefits of Vitamins

Dr. Bob Seiler, a Utah chiropractor, touts the benefits of vitamins in his holistic healing practice. Vitamins and minerals are necessary for proper body functions. Dr. Bob highlights some of the benefits of certain vitamins and their impact on the human body. Vitamin A – This valuable vitamin helps the body repair tissues, including benefiting…

Cold and Flu Prevention

The U.S. government has released precautionary information that suggests this flu season could be the worst in more than a decade. Dr. Bob Seiler, a natural holistic chiropractor and healer, offers helpful tips for taking control of a cold and/or flu and stopping it dead in its tracks. Generally, most people begin to feel achy…

Future explosive hotspot brewing under Samoan islands

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